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/ People of Sacramento Archives / People of Sacramento Archives (Sacramento Archives and Museum Collection)(1999).ISO / pc / Program / largepic / 1010f.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1999-12-07  |  154KB  |  500x375  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | daily | newspaper | sky
OCR: Hotels ana Boarding Avon House 40 4th st bet J and Atlantic, er and 12th sts, by Herman Grc Bennett Miss Mary W and 4th sts. Belvidere, side 6th st bet J and Brannan House, 12 st, by Mrs. Harriet Brooklyn Hotel, Front st. by J.E. Mooney Capital Hotel, 190 st by Traver Day City Hotel, 71 and 75 by Patrick Conlon Clin ton House, 119 3d st bet L and M. by MI Crescent City 181 st by W atters ood Dodge private boarding, 104 st., seco Ebner Hotel, 18 st by Oschner, K riss Eldred House, st bet 10th and ilth, by Sid Fourti 101 4th by M 1lth